Xov Xwm Koom Txoos

  • Xov Xwm Koom Txoos. Tim 27 lub 7 hlis 2024 (News from the world and the Church)

    Jul 27, 2024
    Xov Xwm Koom Txoos. Tim 27 lub 7 hlis 2024 (News from the world and the Church)

    Ib tug Leej Phauj tshaj tawm kev cog lus thawj zaug nyob hauv Lovers of the Cross, nyob Khas Phus Chas teb.
    Holy See tawm txoj cai tshiab hais txog kev yees tawm tuaj ntawm Marian.
    Cov Islam tua tub ceev xwm ib lub tsev nyob hauv lub xeev Johor, ua rau neeg tuag 2 leeg thiab raug mob 1 leeg.
    Thaib teb raug thov kom tso tseg kev quab yuam rov qab thiab tso cai rau cov neeg Myanmar ua thoj nam.
    Tom qab Cambodia kev dag ntxias crypto, cov neeg Is Ntias xav tau hauj lwm txhab hauv tsev.