Xov Xwm Koom Txoos. Tim 12 lub 10 hli 2024 (News from the world and the Church)

Xov Xwm Koom Txoos. Tim 12 lub 10 hli 2024 (News from the world and the Church)

  • Lub hwj chim ntawm cov neeg ntseeg yog kev faib Tswv Ntuj txoj kev khuv leej, tsis yog caum Like.
  • Tab txawm Hanoi nrog Vas Tis Kas sib haum xeeb, tsis kav cov neeg ntseeg Montagnard kuj seem raug ntes ntxiv.
  • Kev ywj pheej hauv kev teev hawm nyob As Mes Lis Kas teb, tawm suab rau Is Ntias teb, Pas Kis Taas teb thiab Suav teb ua cov qis tshaj.
  • Cov Tswv Qhia Kos Lim vam tias cov tub ntxhais hluas hnub nyob ntiaj teb, nyob hauv lub tuam ceeb Xes Us uas tab tom yuav los txog no, yuav yog qhov pib ntawm kev daws tso, kev thaj yeeb thiab kev sib haum xeeb.
  • Kev twm zeej ntawm Is Ntias teb nyob As Xias Naj, ntxhov quav niab heev zuj zus.