Xov Xwm Koom Txoos. Tim 27 lub 7 hlis 2024 (News from the world and the Church)

Xov Xwm Koom Txoos. Tim 27 lub 7 hlis 2024 (News from the world and the Church)

  • Ib tug Leej Phauj tshaj tawm kev cog lus thawj zaug nyob hauv Lovers of the Cross, nyob Khas Phus Chas teb.
  • Holy See tawm txoj cai tshiab hais txog kev yees tawm tuaj ntawm Marian.
  • Cov Islam tua tub ceev xwm ib lub tsev nyob hauv lub xeev Johor, ua rau neeg tuag 2 leeg thiab raug mob 1 leeg. 
  • Thaib teb raug thov kom tso tseg kev quab yuam rov qab thiab tso cai rau cov neeg Myanmar ua thoj nam.
  • Tom qab Cambodia kev dag ntxias crypto, cov neeg Is Ntias xav tau hauj lwm txhab hauv tsev.