Xov Xwm Koom Txoos. Tim 30 lub 9 hli 2023 (News from the world and the Church)

Xov Xwm Koom Txoos. Tim 30 lub 9 hli 2023 (News from the world and the Church)

  • Zaj yeeb yaj duab luv luv ntawm Leej Phauj Is Ntias raug tshaj tawm.
  • Cov tub zog Online ntau pua txhiab leej nyob Myanmar, nyob Khas Phus Chas thiab nyob Los Tsuas teb.
  • Pas Kis Taas teb : ib tug xwb hwb neeg ntseeg raug tua nyob hauv lub nroog Faisalabad.
  • Cov Hmoob Nyab Laj pib tig los ntseeg.